Saturday 23 March 2019

Oh help! Oh no! It's a Gruffalo!

In March we celebrated the Gruffalo's 20th Birthday with special activities in the shop including a scavenger hunt and some rocks to find.  These are some of the most detailed and complex rocks I have done.  Brown is a difficult colour to get right, the different shades needed several layers in different colours!

Friday 8 March 2019

Ten Little Bookworms

Ten Little Bookworms by Mike Brownlow was one of the special £1 books published for World Book Day 2019.  I drew all Ten and hid them in the shop.

Thursday 7 March 2019

A Book Without a Story

As soon as I saw this new book I knew the illustrations were perfect for rocks.  These were hidden in the shop for World Book Day 2019.

The Book Without a Story
by Carolina Rabei